Not only Jorit and Ornella Muti, but Pietro Stramezzi also surrenders to Putin. Who is the young president of the Stop the War Committee

After the controversy over the presence of Jorit and Ornella Muti in Sochi, another piece is added to the Italian group protagonist of Vladimir Putin's propaganda event. This is Pietro Stramezzi, son of the controversial doctor Andrea Stramezzi, supporter of unproven “cures” against Covid-19 and critic of vaccines, but best known for having been accused of having prescribed medication to a patient without ever to visit him. In the past, we had already discussed how certain political realities had welcomed supporters of the Russian leader and the invasion of Ukraine, but also people followed by followers of conspiracy theories on Covid-19 and No Vax . That there is a certain link between these realities is not new, as we discussed in a 2019 article and in our special on disinformation from February 2023.

It was his father Andrea who announced the presence of Pietro Stramezzi in Sochi, in a Tweeter where he declares having been “invited by the government” to participate in the World Youth Festival “in front of Putin”. In doing so, he shares the video interview given to Russia todayKremlin-controlled media, with obvious circumference: “President, Milan 'Stop the War' Committee.”

The positions of Pietro Veniamin Andrejevich Stramezzi

Pietro, as we can read on his Linkedin profile, presents himself as “President of the Milan peripheral committee” of the Stop War Committee, the same one for which the former mayor of Rome Gianni Alemanno appears as spokesperson. During the interview with Russia today, supports what seems to be Vladimir Putin's wish for Ukraine: an end to the supply of weapons by Western countries, in this case Italy, useful to defend against the Russian invader. The same proposal is present in the statute of the Committee, which promotes what is literally called “unarmed defense”.

Where there is a defense, there is an aggressor, the owner of Sochi who could easily speak Russian with Pietro Veniamin Andrejevich Stramezzi, full name and knowledge of the language indicated in the CV published on the website of the municipality of Cinisello Balsamo where there was a candidate on the list of Central Union Libertas Christian Democracy. In an intervention video, father Andrea Stramezzi says he is in a privileged position to speak about the conflict because his son “is Russian.” He also states this in a Tweeterwhile in another of 2022 he says that Pietro “paid for his university studies with €800/month from renting a house in St. Petersburg.”

In an article by him, published on February 28, 2023 by The Italian Giornale, believed that Russia had invested tens of thousands of lives of its soldiers, billions in weapons and that it would no longer be satisfied with the regions stolen from Ukraine. According to Pietro Veniamin Andrejevich Stramezzi, to achieve peace, Ukraine should “definitively grant the Russian-speaking territories to Russia, eliminate Russophobia and make what remains of the Ukrainian state a neutral zone, which does not belong to either Russia nor NATO, but which constitutes a bridge between the West and the East. »

THE profile Pietro Stramezzi's Twitter/X, where he shares Medvedev's tweets.

The pro-Putin cultural circle based in Russia

Another curiosity concerns his Facebook profile, where Pietro indicates that he is “Representative of Friends of Imperial Russia”.

The link takes you to the page of a cultural club with “head office in Russia”. Among the latest articles we find two interviews with Pietro Stramezzi, one given to Russia Today and the other to Sputnik.

Although the cultural environment declares itself apolitical, there are numerous publications of photos and videos of Vladimir Putin and an image, published on March 4, 2024, which represents a Russian soldier with a vehicle behind him marked with the Z symbol of the Russian invasion from Ukraine.

On February 24, 2024, the anniversary of the widespread invasion of Ukraine, the Cultural Circle page published an evocative image of Vladimir Putin and the Russian army heading towards a war-torn city.

Also on the same day, the page published a photo and a written intervention by the representative of the Milanese far right Roberto Jonghi Lavarini in which he declared that “we cannot help but publicly side with imperial and Orthodox Russia of Putin, for a new multipolar balance. geopolitics.

“Baron” Roberto Jonghi Lavarini is co-founder of the “European Aristocracy” association of which Pietro Stramezzi is also a member. In his Facebook profile, in fact, he presents himself as “Youth Coordinator” since February 2023. In the association's social publications, such as the one reported below and shared by the page of the cultural club “Friends of Russia imperial”, Stramezzi is called “Count”.

Stramezzi, Covid and vaccines

A few months earlier, Pietro Stramezzi had spoken in Romania at an international summit where he said he had discussed the “effects of propaganda”, an alleged “persecution of Christians in Ukraine”, “the banning of culture Russian in the world”, “LGBT propaganda” and, following in the footsteps of his father, on vaccinations against Covid. In one of the photos published on Linkedin, Pietro is sitting next to one of the protagonists of Covid misinformation: Robert Malone, the controversial American doctor known for his videos where it is baselessly assumed that vaccines can cause infertility, increase spontaneous abortions and much more.

That Pietro Veniamin Andrejevich Stramezzi participated in Covid-related events does not seem to be entirely new, as he himself reports in an article on Linkedin and in his presence at the so-called “International Covid Summit“. In the post, he posts a photo of himself specifying that he is sitting behind Christine Anderson, a German MEP from the far-right AfD party who wants Germany to leave the European Union and who, during the pandemic, had gives a nod to the No Vax world and against restrictions.

During his stay in Russia, Father Andrea Stramezzi was welcomed to the Brazilian Senate to provide his support against the vaccination of children against Covid. His speech – translated into Italian on the Rumble video platform – contains various theories and misinformation on the subject of Covid-19 and vaccines, defining them as “genetic drugs”. Regarding pediatric vaccinations, still relying on the translation provided on Rumble, he would have argued that “a child does not yet have a specific immune system” and that “he does not have the capacity to form antibodies against the virus”, while we know – as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Health – that children are vaccinated from a very young age against various diseases.

As an alternative to vaccination, Andrea Stramezzi offers the elusive home treatment based on chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics and vitamin C. We remind you that there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the hydroxychloroquine, cited several times by the controversial Italian doctor, and that the study which supported it is described as a fraud. One of the co-signatories of the study, infectious disease specialist Didier Raoult, has been accused several times of falsifying images and conducting illegal clinical trials.

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