From markets to live broadcasts in the streets and VIP live: the Campi Flegrei earthquakes are told online – Videos

There is the actor Francesco Paolantoni who brings together his followers on Instagram between one live and another, but also those who tell what is happening, between broken bottles and falling bags, on the shelves of a supermarket. While the Campi Flegrei are shaking, with the strongest earthquake in the last 40 years, of magnitude 4.4, Neapolitans are talking on Instagram and social networks about the bradyseism that has intensified in the region in recent hours. “I felt it quite strongly,” explains Paolantoni, from his house in Vomero, greeting the inhabitants of Pozzuoli, the epicenter of last night’s tremors.

There are those who film themselves in the street, between fallen fences. The information from Campania on Canale 21 has been in extraordinary edition for hours, to follow the situation in the areas affected by the seismic swarm last night.

And there are those who, while working, feel the tremors and film what fell between the shelves of a Conad supermarket.

There is a post circulating online with a short guide to preparing an emergency backpack according to Civil Protection advice.

“There was a lot of fear, but so far no damage to structures has been reported. We have to be very careful, and very careful, but try to stay calm. As far as possible, my appeal to the population is to remain calm,” explained the mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi to the microphones of Canale 21, calling on the population to keep their cool. “I have managed many emergencies in the context of my work with Civil Protection I know well that fear is irrational – explains Manfredi – we cannot tell people not to be afraid, but the invitation is not to panic. we follow the swarm and all the staff are operational 24 hours a day, as well as the operations room of the Prefecture” “I am personally with Councilor Cosenza – added Manfredi – the progress of the events and the information we have from the. Civil Protection makes us think that the current phenomenon is significant and at this stage the panic of citizens is understandable.

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