Klaus Davi attacked near the Islamic center of Milan, spitting and anti-Semitic insults in Viale Jenner: “You are my assassins***” – Video

“You Israelis are fucking murderers. Leave, or something bad will happen to you”: this is how media expert Klaus Davi addressed yesterday, i.e. Friday Prayer, at the Islamic center in Viale Jenner in Milan. He went there on October 7 to question those who frequented him and the imam. But his presence aroused the anger of those present, who made him leave. One man in particular shouted at him, before spitting: “You are murderers. Kill children, kill women and old people. » The attack would have degenerated if certain passers-by had not intervened to contain the two attackers. The scene was filmed.

The story

“I was asking questions in the avenue about October 7, about the war in the Middle East, about the hostages in the hands of Hamas, when the two men threatened me, pushed me and spat on me. My intention was to ask the Imam a few questions. But there was no way and in any case I respected his wishes not to speak without entering the mosque. I tried to stay calm – said Davi -. My intention was simply to investigate the views of those who attended the center regarding the October 7 massacre. And then we were on the avenue, a public space, not inside the center.” The media pundit also said that he asked a boy for a cigarette, but someone intervened and said in Arabic: “don’t give it to him, he’s a Jew”.

“I never would have imagined something like this”

“This thing really hit me, it was really disturbing – continued Davi -. I am for religious freedom, but what type of culture is conveyed in these contexts? What risks does the Jewish community run? “I would like to point out that I was alone, that I absolutely did not alert the police because it is not my habit to do so, I do not want to make taxpayers pay the cost of my security simply because I do my job, and to be honest – he concluded – I would not have imagined such a widespread rate of aggression and territorial control. Such territory marking has never been seen, even in very complex areas. But here we are not in Ponticelli, nor in Caivano, nor in Archi, we are here in the streets of Milan. The state and politics must think.”


Sources at Milan Police Headquarters have confirmed that at present no complaints have been filed regarding this episode. The police headquarters is awaiting a possible complaint, although Davi is not new to episodes of this kind: he has also been threatened in southern Italy, after some were linked to his crime reporting work organized. But this intimidation almost never resulted in complaints. “We take note of what happened – we specify at the Police Headquarters – investigations and evaluations will be initiated by the organizations responsible for us, the Digos and the local police station”.

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