The pension blocked because of a television appearance, the victory against the INPS: “They wanted me 24 thousand euros”

Carlo Emilio Costa saw his one-year pension blocked by the INPS, which ordered him to repay nearly 24,000 euros due to a comparison in a television series. After four years of legal battles, the 67-year-old man from Vicenza won. after the Vicenza court accepted his appeal and ordered the institute to pay all the sums withheld from it, including interest.

The mockery of pensions with the “Quota 100”

Costa had worked for IBM for 39 years and as a sales agent. As reported by Corriere Veneto, in 2020 he participated in the television series “Light of your eyes” in the streets of Thiene. From these few hours of work, he had obtained 78 euros gross. But Costa had taken early retirement with “Quota 100” and that is why the INPS wrote to him a few months later with a “provision for recovery of sums received as pension”. The very high bill amounted to around 24 thousand euros, with the corresponding monthly deductions. In fact, retirement with “Quota 100” does not allow you to exercise any subordinate profession. Costa had turned to patronage from the CISL. He had managed to release his pension, but after a while the INPS changed its mind. “I felt like I was dying when I learned that the INPS had blocked my pension and that I had to repay almost 24,000 euros.”


At that point, Costa had to call on lawyers: Paola Piccoli and Alberto Righi: “They made me receive my pension but reduced by a fifth. Prosecution was the only way forward. Now I will pay attention to the calls from the INPS and then I will recover what has been withheld from me over the years, around 15,000 euros.”

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