Drama twist at Messaggero: Alessandro Barbano fired, new director is Guido Boffo

Alessandro Barbano, former deputy director of the Via del Tritone daily and therefore of Il Mattino, was appointed director of Il Messaggero less than two months ago. A turning point, after the contract was closed a few years ago, while Barbano was in Naples. The return to the Caltagirone group, however, lasted very little, because today Barbano was dismissed on the spot. In his place, Guido Boffo, long-time deputy director and already a candidate when Massimo Martinelli left the management, takes on the role of director. Boffo will be joined by Martinelli himself as editorial director and Barbara Jerkov as deputy director.

The fight

The formal complaint, read by the director to the management of the newspaper, concerns the choice of certain collaborators that the director had written without there being any formalization. Barbano would also be accused of participating in certain boards of directors even if, explained the director, these would be voluntary participations, as in the founding of the Teatro San Carlo in Naples. But since his arrival, Barbano, who had already had a clash with the Caltagirone group a few years ago, was not a particularly privileged manager of the company. Azzurra Caltagirone, president of Caltagirone editore, had already insisted in recent months that the choice should go to Boffo, but highlighted the coldness of her father, Franco Caltagirone, publisher of the newspaper. Eventually, Barbano was reunited with another former member of the group, Roberto Napoletano, current director of Il Mattino. The newspaper assembly met to discuss the possibility of calling a two-day strike

In the photo, Alessandro Barbano | Photo Ansa

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