Beasts, Antonella Clerici names Ligabue for sauce holder at Sanremo. The singer: “Dear Antonella, certain sentences do not belong to me” – The video

“Dear @antoclerici obviously I never said anything like that, some sentences don't belong to me.” These are the words of Ligabue, who denies having insulted presenter Antonella Clerici by refusing to participate in the Sanremo Festival that she is organizing. Clerici, during the interview with Beasts, when Francesca Fagnani asked her about her experience on the Ariston stage, she spoke about the boycott of some artists, who decided not to participate in the singing event having her as a host. One even said: “It tastes too much like sauce.” » From there was born what we called sauce-gate. HAS Beasts Clerici decides to name the artist, Ligabue, but puts his hand forward: “Think that I did everything to have him at the Festival. Because I imagined last episode that he and I were going off on Harley Davidsons. They told me. If it is not true, I apologize, but if it is true, I await your apologies.” After the previews of the program were broadcast on social networks during these hours, there were a certain expectation around the name And many did not expect to know the name of the Corregian singer. The person responded immediately, hopefully denying the rumor.

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