30 years without Massimo Troisi

The day after his death, L'Unità headlined “Morto Troisi, viva Troisi!” », taking the title of the film made in 1982 by the Neapolitan actor and director. “Viva”, which means “Hurray”but also that Massimo will live forever, both in the hearts of the public and colleagues and in the history of cinema that Troisi revolutionized with his kind, spontaneous and empathetic language and his comedy imbued with melancholy.

It's been 30 years since Massimo Troisi left us and his Naples, of whom he was the favorite son and whom he imprinted in all his works as an actor, comedian, screenwriter and director, thanks to his accent, his lightness mixed with a lotappocundrie» (melancholy, editor’s note) and its culture.

The journalist Cinzia Fiorato, on Special Tg1, on the anniversary of Troisi's death, he proposed a Massimo saying to himself, through his unforgettable television forays. Speeches and reflections on love, family, friendship, Naples, poetry above all, in this very personal language that he constructed during the short life he was given: “The Troisi Code”.

There are always many initiatives and souvenirs dedicated to Troisi: books, events, commemorationson the occasion of both the date of birth and that of death:

Friends and colleagues always continue to remember him, with their anecdotes, with stories, with emotion but also with unusual and ironic portraits, like this one docufilm “My friend Massimo”, by Alessandro Bencivenga achieved in 2022:

Or “Someone loves me there” the documentary film by Mario Martone presented at the Berlin Film Festival in which he spoke about the great actor and which was released in Italy, with a special preview, on February 19, 2023, the day Massimo would have been 70 years old.I saw

Gianni Minaresponding to a journalist who questioned him about tell him about Troisireplied thus: “It was a being light human, light, perhaps not in tune at a time when imposing one's presence and being arrogant is fashionable…

After a first start in cabaret and on the radio (“Cordially together”), Massimo Troisi became known in 1976 with the TV show “Non Stop”Enzo Trapani's laboratory broadcast on Rai, and in 1979 with “Luna Park”, of which Fioretta Mari sketched a memory:

Troisi gained popularity on television with the trio “La smorfia”, with Lello Arena and Enzo Decaro, before enjoying great success in the cinema, where memorable titles such as From Three (1981), Sorry for the Delay (1983), All You Have to Do Is Cry, directed with Roberto Benigni (1984), The Ways of the Lord Are Over (1987), I Thought It was love… it was more like a carriage (1991), The Postman (1994)film with which, in 1996, also received 2 Oscar nominations : best leading actor and best adapted screenplay.

With Pino Daniele, who wrote unforgettable soundtracks for his films, Troisi promoted a Naples without stereotypes, modern, capable of opposing clichés.

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