Evictions begin in the League after the vote, Grimoldi is also there and revealed Bossi's vote for Forza Italia

He revealed Umberto Bossi's vote for Forza Italia in the European elections. Now former assistant Paolo Grimoldi risks being expelled from the League. The party's federal council has in fact decided to ask the Disciplinary Council for the dismissal of the former parliamentarian, as well as that of the Venetian councilor Gabriele Michieletto. These reports were made following indications from the territories with the aim of “protecting the extraordinary and generous commitment of thousands of activists who have witnessed for too long instrumental, useless and harmful controversies against the League”. On the other hand, nothing has been planned for the Senate which had called for a vote for Forza Italia in the European elections in June. In his post-vote speech, the current leader of the League Matteo Salvini returned several times to Bossi's choice to give his preference to the Forza Italia candidate: “I am used to winning and losing as a team, not as a team. betraying those I love is next door. It is not correct for those who receive and have received a salary from one party to say, when the polls are open, that they are voting for another party. I'm not touchy but I don't think this has ever happened in Italy. I have to respond to the activists and administrators of the League who do not deserve this,” Salvini said.

Who is Paolo Grimoldi

Paolo Grimoldi, former deputy of the League from 2006 to 2022 and coordinator of the Northern Committee since 2022, the internal branch of the League close to the positions of the founder, has been at odds with the current secretary for some time. In fact, along with 21 party dissidents, he wrote a letter to Salvini a few months ago challenging the party line. “Return to the old demands of the League which have always led us to seek useful positions to achieve the objectives”, such was the request of the signatories, against the candidacy of Roberto Vannacci in Brussels (later elected) and the alliances with the Afd and Le Pen. However, no action will be taken against Bossi, not least because he is not a member of the party that replaced his Northern League (which acquired Salvini's name in the logo) although he is currently a deputy of the League. Furthermore, during the federal council, no indication was given about the next meeting in Pontida, the municipality of 3 thousand inhabitants which, after twenty years, no longer has a Northern League mayor.

Cover picture: ANSA/FLAVIO LO SCALZO | Paolo Grimoldi

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