Giorgia Meloni by Diletta Leotta, the confession on class discussions and her mother: “Because mine was absent, but calculated” – The video

Giorgia Meloni was Diletta Leotta's guest in the episode of the podcast “Mamma dilettante” published today, May 12, on the occasion of Mother's Day. The Prime Minister returned to talk about his relationship with his mother “who was not very present and in the end I owe her everything”. This absence, explains Meloni, was however “calculated: he raised his daughters saying that you have to manage, that freedom is linked to responsibility”. And then he remembers, “My mother was a mother who didn’t solve your problems, you had to solve the problems yourself and if I’m the person I am…I owe it to her.”

Class discussions

In the interview, the Prime Minister also addresses the topic of classroom discussions with other parents. She admits that since her daughter went to primary school, she participated a little less since in the meantime she became Prime Minister. But even in the class Whatsapp group, Meloni doesn't hold back: “I'm in the chat… I comment, I do, I have my say… I vote when they vote.” I participate when I can.” Speaking of motherhood, Meloni explains how “becoming a mother has brought me a lot of stability. I have become more pragmatic, more concrete, more attentive to things that really have meaning. Motherhood is is true, brings out all your weaknesses but it also corrects them.”

“True female solidarity is between mothers”

The interview also touches on the theme of female solidarity, about which Meloni says he is skeptical: “I have always thought that female solidarity is not true, women support each other much less than we think. said, as if they are victims of the story that they should never be completely ready to compete with men and this leads them to compete with themselves. But between mothers, it's completely different, mothers are in solidarity with each other like veterans of the front: people who fought together and who ultimately have another dimension of solidarity.” And he talks about the help that he received mothers from his daughter Ginevra’s class, and the fact that “the most beautiful emotions” he experienced as Prime Minister “concerned mothers” The “most extraordinary”, he said. explained, was the phone call to Alessia Piperno, while she was returning to Italy after being arrested in Iran.

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