party on social media and online

Hearts, roses, kisses, but also SOS messages and telephones. The communications agency Arcadia composed the cloud of emojis dedicated to Mother's Day which is associated with a positive “feeling” (88.8% versus 11.2%). The heart is the most used of all online and on social networks, along with flowers (the rose in particular), cakes and smileys.

On the other hand, the floral gift – chosen by 6 out of ten Italians according to Coldiretti – also remains among the most popular gifts in reality and roses are among the most requested flowers.

Mother's Day, the most used emojis Arcadia data

Mother's Day, the most used emojis

When it comes to mentions and engagement, starting at 7:00 a.m. on May 12, both timelines came together to share how online conversations began celebrating “Mother’s Day.”

Mentions and commitments Arcadia

Mentions and commitments

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