Crosetto and Italian weapons in Ukraine to strike Russia: “It’s a secret and it won’t happen anyway”

“There is no point in continuing to ask the Minister of Defense to communicate what aid and weapons we are providing to kyiv. This is classified information. I am because of a choice made by the Draghi government and continued with the Meloni government and I behave seriously, given that the situation is serious.” In an interview with Corriere della Sera Guido Crosetto speaks today about weapons in Ukraine. And he attacks Giuseppe Conte, Matteo Salvini and the others who continue to ask him to reveal the secret: “All my communications are done at Copasir, where each party has its own representative. Conte has it just like Salvini. So, let's stop. In these areas, no low-level speculation is necessary and I certainly will not be the one to break any state law. »

Italy, Ukraine and Russia

In the interview, Crosetto responds to the question of whether Italian weapons are used in kyiv to strike Russia: “I am obliged to maintain secrecy, as required by law. I will not say what weapons we provide and the only opinion that interests me is that of the Ukrainians, who are very grateful for our support, for what we can give, commensurate with our forces. But it becomes difficult to be Minister of Defense in a country where even serious matters are always treated in an instrumental, false and superficial way. » Crosetto is initially angry with Conte. To say that the Minister of Defense is hiding the truth about the use of weapons is a lie, used for purely electoral purposes. The procedure that I follow was codified by the Draghi government, of which Conte was a member. I behave exactly like my predecessor Guerini: this government issued 5 aid decrees which were only communicated to Copasir. But Conte, who voted for them, then asked for nothing. Pretending not to know, it’s no big deal.”

Crosetto, Conte and Salvini

But among those asking the question, there is also its government ally, the League: “I repeat: the Copasir is informed, the Minister of Defense answers all the questions asked of him. Conte has his own. Salvini has Borghi on the Committee. Everyone knows everything, but if the members of Copasir do not say it, and rightly so, because it would be a crime, should I do it? And in any case I have said it a thousand times: Italian weapons will not touch Russian territory, should I draw some drawings to make it clearer? As well as the controversy over which soldiers to send into battle: but who among us – me, or Meloni or Tajani – ever supported it? So what’s the point of saying “we won’t send soldiers, we’re against it!” » ? It would be like me saying “don't worry, I will never let the speed limit be set at 40 km on the highway…”. They would rightly answer me “and who has ever thought of that?” “.


Finally, Crosetto answers the question about Mario Draghi's role in the next European Commission: “I don't think so, because the President of the Commission is chosen by an agreement between States. Draghi played a role thanks to this great political flair that Renzi also had, as well as Salvini. Among other things, I think that Draghi himself feels good where he is.” Israel: Do you still think he is harming himself? “We must tell friends: the roots of the conflict are deepening and This is worrying for the future of a state to which we are historically close.”

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