Chiara Ferragni and bad luck, brilliance on Instagram: “And this would be the year of Taurus? For the moment, I won't say it” – The video

Chiara Ferragni is depressed and doesn't hide it. Indeed: she now seems to have introduced into her social routine silent selfies that highlight her swollen eyes, to emphasize her distressed soul following the Pandori scandal and the alleged separation from her husband Fedez. The planters' testimonies are usually followed by thanks to the section of fans who remained close to her and who “understood” her. But in an article published today, he goes even further. Hypothesize about the reasons for the dark period he fell into. The investigation into aggravated fraud against him would not, as investigators claim, be the consequence of a “criminal plan” involving Pandoras, dolls and biscuits, but the fruit of an unfortunate astral conjunction. In fact, he blames the horoscope: “In theory, it's the year of Taurus, but it seems to me that it's not a good year, for the moment. But come on, let's stay positive. » This is not the first time that he appears on social networks to deplore the disappearance of his lucky star. On TikTok, on February 20, for example, he toured with an audio which, like a chain letter, promises to bring luck to those who use it. “I'm posting this audio because I'm full of all the bad luck from this time,” she commented. Few appear to have believed this story, as the video was quickly flooded with critical comments. However, her (ex?) husband Fedez also recently presented himself on social media as a modern Donald Duck. To the point of proposing to his fans, in a story a few hours ago, to organize a minibus to Lourdes. Fans who believe in his alleged bad luck took the opportunity to ask him: “Fedez, give me 84 numbers from 1 to 90 so I can play the remaining 6?”

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