Aeolian Islands, the experiential and slow tourism project

Not just the sea and beaches, Aeolian Islands These are wonders to discover also and above all from the oenogastronomic and hiking point of view, in optics Green and sustainable.

To combat the increasingly widespread phenomenon, particularly from the post-Covid 19 period, of a mass tourism often hit and runs, Tyrrhenian Aeolian Gal financed a project dedicated to the promotion of the territory and a conscious and environmentally friendly tourism.

Officially presented at the conference “Malvasia of Lipari”which was held in Salina on June 27, the project is called “A more emblematic one” and is developed within the framework of the Local Action Plan of the PSR Sicily dedicated precisely to cooperation between small operators for the development of tourism.

Malvasia VineyardMalvasia Vineyard
Malvasia vineyard in the Aeolian Islands (iStock)

SEE ALSO: Aeolian Islands, the complete guide

Experiential tourism

Thanks to the promotion of a “experiential tourism” – what makes you try unforgettable emotions And unique moments to tourists – one of the main goals of the project is to create aoffer slow both along the coastal areas of the seven Aeolian Islands and inland, also to combat overcrowding in seaside areas during seasonal peaks.

In fact, the Aeolian Islands in their internal spacesThey offer very suggestive landscapes and fascinating paths.

Excursions on foot or by bike, which allow you to reach truly unique panoramic points, can be a valid alternative to the beach.

One-off tourist offer discover the mountains and the views from aboveit also goes with food and winebased on typical local products. Thanks to the various cellars present in the region, fromAntonino Caravaglio's organic farmOn the island of Salina it is possible to taste the Malvasiathe ultimate Aeolian wine.

SEE ALSO: Lipari, the gentle island: to live slowly between beaches, trekking and flavors of history

The eco-route: The Fire Roads

The project “A more emblematic one” first propose three eco-routes to be able to realize on the island of Stromboli:

-THE Greenway which begins at 100 m above sea level on the slope of S. Vincenzo, crosses the flanks of the volcano to reach an altitude of about 290 m;

-THE Brown Waya village tour that includes visits to monuments, local artisans and food and wine tastings;

-THE Blue course which begins by reaching Ginostra by boat. The route follows a circular route that offers visitors a great variety of landscapes until reaching the panoramic point from where you can admire the Sciara del Fuoco.

Agri & Volcanoes Experience

In addition, the tour is also part of the project “Agri & Volcanoes Experience” which finds its natural place within the experiential tourism, slow tourism and sustainable and responsible tourism. This is a rural-naturalistic route designed for small groups who prefer experiential tourism formulas and wish to live in a participatory way a model of life far from the stress and frenzy of the city.

SEE ALSO: Island Hospitality: Panarea and Filicudi

Agri & Volcanoes Experience Program

The itinerary presented includes 7 nights for a group of 8 people, with accommodation in a double or single room.

– arrival in Lipari and accommodation in the accommodation structure;
– welcome cocktail/meeting with the guides for a briefing explaining the program;
– guided tour of the Al Salvatore aromatic garden and orchard;
– dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– transfer to the Criesia Vecchia company, visit to the cellar, agricultural activities, tasting;
– trekking excursion to Lipari (Quattropani-Pianoconte via the West coast);
– dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– transfer to Vulcano and hike to the La Fossa crater;
– return to Lipari and transfer to the Numero Zero company, agricultural activity and donkey ride;
– dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– trekking excursion to Lipari (Acquacalda-Canneto via M. Pilato);
– visit to the archaeological park of Lipari, free time;
– dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– transfer to Salina and accommodation in the accommodation structure;
– boat excursion with visit to Salina;
– dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– trekking excursion to Monte Fossa delle Felci;
– visit the Vigne di mare farm, visit the vineyards, the Caravaglio winery and the associated tasting;
– dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– boat excursion with visit to Lipari;
– return to Salina and dinner in a partner establishment

– breakfast;
– departure

For information, details and reservations: Ivana TermineFininvest Congressi srl, 3296112533.

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ALSO DISCOVER: Trekking in the Aeolian Islands: on the wild trails of Stromboli, Vulcano, Lipari and other islands – Gallery

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