The “Tulkarem Brigades” in the heart of Abruzzo. Three Palestinians arrested in L'Aquila: “they were preparing attacks”

Three Palestinian citizens residing in L'Aquila were arrested by police for association with terrorism, including international terrorism, or subversion of the democratic order. According to Digos and police investigators, the three had set up a real military operational structure in the capital of Abruzzo, called “Rapid Response Group-Tulkarem Brigades”, with which they planned to carry out attacks “including suicide attacks, against civilian and military targets in foreign territory”. The Palestinian cell also carried out proselytism and propaganda, authorities indicated. Hence the arrests, carried out in execution of a police custody order provisional issued by the investigating judge of L'Aquila at the request of the DDA of L'Aquila, in coordination with the national anti-mafia and anti-terrorism prosecutor's office. We do not know exactly when the arrests took place. However, we do know that an extradition procedure to Israel is already underway against one of the suspected terrorists, at the request of the authorities of that State. The “Rapid Response Group –
The Tulkarem Brigades” would have been a variation of the “Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades”, recognized by the EU as a terrorist organization.

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