The new school year begins. Tomorrow, the first bell in Bolzano

Tomorrow in Bolzano the children will go to class and next week the bell will ring in many regions. “This school year opens with many new things – assures Minister Valditara in a video released on the occasion of the start of the school year – the reform of the 4+2 on an experimental basis for professional technicians, to offer a more modern training and the school is increasingly connected to the needs of the world of work. The tutor teacher and the orientation teacher that have already started to operate in the second part of last school year will also be launched in September in families directly in all schools to ensure that parents are aware of the opportunities that their young people can have. Then again the new guidelines for civic education, to make our Constitution known in all its aspects: because our Constitution teaches wonderful values, of the human person who is at the center. first place”.

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