National Brand Day was created

Law No. entered into force on January 11, 2024. 206 of 12/27/23″Biological provisions for the enhancement, promotion and protection of Made in Italy“. The decree aims to enhance and promote the Italian brand inside and outside the country.protect industrial property, fight against counterfeiting and create a moment of national communion through the establishment of the day of Made in Italy on April 15.

The main rules established by law

The measure coupon 31 – invest in innovation, an economic incentive to facilitate start-up innovative, has been renewed and extended also to micro-enterprises. Also planned is possibility of the Ministry of Affairs and Made in Italy to take back ownership of a historic brand free of charge in the event that the owner intends to permanently cease his activity without selling it. At “institutes and places of culture» is authorized to register the trademark that characterizes them, who can license it to third parties for a fee.

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The law establishes the fund for the protection abroad of Italian agricultural and food geographical indications, wine, spirit drinks and agri-food products support judicial activities abroad and additional concerning companies having their registered and operational headquarters in Italy.

To combat counterfeiting, various measures have been taken to improve specialized training for judicial personnel and strengthen administrative sanctions for the purchase and importation of counterfeit products. Finally I Creator digital are defined as “artists who develop original works with strong digital content» and attention is paid to the importance of protecting domains with the “.it” extension against abuse.

The day of Made in Italy April 15

From this year the official day will be celebrated Made in Italy. This date is in honor of the birth of Leonardo da Vinci, a universally recognized creative genius and symbol of the Italian spirit.

In parallel, from April 11 to 17, “Sweet Ita» supported by the Ministry of Commerce and Made in Italyproposed the “Made in Italy Week» which will be held in Rome in the heart of the Villa Borghese. The event aims to increase the visibility of the brand and promote artisans to encourage young people to take this path. Activities such as events are planned during the week networking and spaces dedicated to education and practical experiences.

During the presentation day, Davide Scarparo, creator and president of Sweet ItaGiuseppe De Martino, general manager of theHotel Saint-Régis Rome and vice president An industry Tourism Section, Davide Scafuro, president of Agency PDigital Rockers inkMauro Ricci, commercial director of RDS and Casina Valadier, representing Massimiliano Montefusco, lawyer Emanuele Tito, minister Adolfo Urso. According to AltaGamma and Confartigianato forecasts, the manufacturing sector is in decline In recent years and those to come, there may be a shortage of specialized workers in the fashion sector, design, in catering and hospitality. THE Made in Italy it needs to be regenerated.

Read also:

Made in Italy: the value of Bel Paese in Italy and abroad

Italian fashion: a sector with a turnover of 103.2 billion euros

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