He started printing fake tickets, with the idea of selling them on Telegram without even trying to hide behind an anonymous nickname. Finally, Simone Giuseppe Alfarano, 28, was arrested by Carabinieri postal police officers from the Cryptocurrency section, after the investigation opened by the Lecce public prosecutor's office. The boy from Casarano, in the Lecce region, had opened a printing house which produced tokens of different denominations, from 5 to 100 euros. The 28-year-old would have obtained all the necessary tools by purchasing them online. And then he organized a system on Telegram to resell the tickets he sold at 10% of their value.
The boy had been sending packages throughout Europe since at least December 2022 and was paid via Bitcoin or on the PayPal platform. On Telegram, his nickname was exactly his first name. Thanks to three printers and with the help of a few accomplices, still wanted, he sent parcels to France, Germany and Luxembourg. There were just over 200 people registered on his Telegram channel. The 28-year-old had bank and online accounts worth around 11,000 euros seized. At home he had 65,000 euro notes ready to send, of which 5,100 were found in six packages about to leave.