Leopolda returns, Renzi: “A hug to the prosecutors who thought it was the scene of the crime” – Video

“I have to apologize to you because last year we didn't do the Leopolda because of me, because someone asked us not to do it. Because there was someone who was envious. Because someone was unhappy that there was such a great event and so I participated. I would like the first affectionate greeting, the hug, to be addressed first of all to the prosecutors who believed that Leopolda was the scene of the crime.” These are the words of Italia Viva leader Matteo Renzi during the opening of Leopolda .

“File? The first time was in 2019 against Leopolda”

“Tomorrow we'll talk with Nordio and Cassese about the seriousness of what's happening, but what needs to be clear is that the first time they tried to build a poisoned meatball called dossier was exactly in 2019 and exactly for Leopolda, because obviously this place is scary”, declared Renzi, during the opening speech of the twelfth edition of the Florentine event. “Tomorrow on this subject – he adds – we We will have contact with Minister Nordio who today requested the commission of inquiry. Minister Crosetto also requested it.

“I will be a candidate in all 5 constituencies”

“These will be European elections in which many different ideas about Europe will be put to the test. This time I will take a step forward and run in all five constituencies. The bet is to vote for another Europe,” added the leader of Italia Viva.

(in the photo Sandro Gozi, Matteo Renzi and the President of the European Democratic Party François Bayrou at the Leopolda in Florence on March 8, 2024 ANSA/CLAUDIO GIOVANNINI)

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