Striscia la Notistica sows discord at Sanremo televoting: “Two million votes missing”

According to Striscia, something is wrong, the news which nitpicks the televoting of the final of the Sanremo Festival 2024. According to a source heard by the satirical newspaper of Antonio Ricci, only one telephone operator has already communicated the votes and there would be two million unrecorded votes, one and a half million registered. “We are waiting for communications from other companies,” says Pinuccio in charge of the file. And the comedian always specifies that there was an “overflow”, that is to say a surplus of voices likely to tip the system over. According to the rules of the musical competition, Rai is free to “take any initiative” to make the televised vote regular. Among the options is also that of canceling the televised vote by taking into account only the votes of the jury and the press room.

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