Arrested migrants, Piantedosi: “Ready to review the deposit of 5 thousand euros, it will be progressive”

Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi says he is ready to review one of the most controversial decrees of his mandate: the one which provides for the possibility for certain migrants landing in Italy to pay a deposit of just under 5 thousand euros to avoid being transferred to detention centers for asylum seekers. “We are considering reissuing the decree providing for a gradation of the amount, evaluating on a case by case basis, in the event of observations from Europe,” Piantedosi said during a conference organized by the parliamentary groups of Fratelli d'Italia . It is a decree that has sparked heated political and legal debate in recent months, with the opposition strongly opposing it and Europe rejecting the measure. Furthermore, even in court, some judges have disavowed this provision, accusing it of illegitimacy and contradiction with European legislation, thus leading to the release of some migrants detained in special centers.

Because the ministry is backtracking

In recent months, the Court of Cassation has been called upon to examine the appeals presented by the prosecution on behalf of the Ministry of the Interior against the orders by which the Catania court had not validated the detention of certain Tunisian migrants at the Center of Pozzallo. (Raguse). The Supreme Court of Cassation decided to suspend judgments on the ongoing proceedings and to contact the European Court of Justice to request an emergency decision. However, the Court rejected the request, thus opting for ordinary procedure. The sentence was dated February 26, but was made public yesterday, March 14. Piantedosi interpreted the Tribunal's decision as a positive sign: “We are on the right track. I interpret it as a sign of validity of our regulatory framework”, he said today. “The controversial aspect concerns the application of the part which establishes a fixed amount for each (the financial guarantee of 5 thousand euros for asylum seekers). There is doubt as to whether this complies with the European directive or whether it was not necessary to graduate the amount,” he continues. Hence the minister's openness to review, if only partially, the decree on migrants, thus staggering the amount with the application of the measure on a case-by-case basis.

“The flow from Tunisia has been deleted”

On the migratory front in Italy and the Mediterranean, Piantedosi appears confident. “We are in the sixth consecutive month of decline in arrivals, a sign that something is working,” comments the minister. “The flow from Tunisia was practically eliminated, which stopped 19 thousand departures. We are now aiming for a new phase of cooperation with Tunisia, Libya and Algeria also for assisted voluntary repatriations”, he comments. Speaks on the tragedies at sea. In particular, on the sinking of an inflatable boat occurred two days ago, in which it is estimated that around sixty people may have died. “It is a double pain, irregular immigration must be stopped from the start, tragedies like this are proof that This is not how we manage immigration. The irregular must be stopped at the start. The figures (of the victims of the shipwreck, ed) everything must be checked. There is still conflicting information about the people on board,” he explains, adding that there will be more information on the episode.

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