Stefano Tacconi will have to operate again, bitterness for those who disappeared: “We were great friends with Lapo Elkann: he stopped making himself heard”

Stefano Tacconi was able to celebrate three times, a year after the coma in which the former Juventus and national team goalkeeper fell, victim of a brain hemorrhage in front of his son Andrea. Soon, the former player told DiPiù that he would have to go under the knife again for a new operation: “The last visits revealed blood clots, “thrombi”, in the legs and in the aortic vein . They have to “cut me open” and sort me out. They promised me that then I'll be as good as new.” But already today, he feels much better and is enjoying this triple celebration: “With my family, I decided to celebrate my release from the hospital, my sixty-seventh birthday and also my thirteenth wedding anniversary with Laura Three parties together to celebrate at the same time the three most important days of my life.

The son who saved his life

The one who saved Tacconi's life was his eldest son Andrea who, when he saw his father collapse to the ground before his eyes, was quick enough to take his tongue out of his mouth, thus avoiding suffocation. And then the rush to the hospital in Alexandria, where Tacconi stayed for almost a year before being transferred to the Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza hospital in San Giovani Rotondo. The road to recovery, he explains, is still long: “Now, even if I am better and I can walk again, my ordeal is not yet over.” He has another operation awaiting him, which the doctors seem optimistic about.

The silence of Lapo Elkann

In the most difficult period, Tacconi remembers his loved ones. Starting with his four children and his wife Laura. And then his friend, another great former goalkeeper, Walter Zenga. But there are some who have disappeared. Among them, Tacconi especially cites a name that particularly hurt him, Lapo Elkann: “And that hurt me – he remembers – we were great friends, Lapo and I, but he stopped making himself heard” .

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