The dance teacher who disappeared in Chieti was found in Campania: “Milena Santirocco is fine”

Milena Santirocco, the dance and fitness teacher who disappeared on April 28, was found in Castel Volturno, in the province of Caserta. The 54-year-old man from Lanciano (Chieti) reappeared – writes onHandle – in good health. He is now at the police station and has already informed his family and friends. Her disappearance had become a mystery: the woman's car, a gray Clio, had been found in Turin di Sangro with a punctured wheel and a nail nearby. The search, including at sea, was concentrated between the town in the province of Chieti where the car was found and Vasto. When her family tried to contact her in the evening, her phone was switched off. Numerous calls have been made in recent days by friends and relatives. Santirocco was found around 10:30 p.m. on the outskirts of Caserta. The head of the association for missing persons “Penelope” in Abruzzo, Alessia Natali, reported that Milena presented herself spontaneously at the Caserta police station and that she is in good health. “Now it is necessary – he explained to the news agency – that she undergoes medical examinations and then we will have to understand what happened to her.”

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