Moscow, thousands of people at the funeral of Alexeï Navalny. Crowd chants anti-Putin chants: “Russia will be free” – Photos and video

Alexei Navalny was buried at the Borisovskoye cemetery. The funeral of the Russian dissident, who died on February 16 in the Siberian penal colony, was celebrated in the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow. It was an “abbreviated ceremony” ordered from above. Only 300 people managed to enter the church, one of Putin's opponent Leonid Volkov's closest collaborators reported on the channel. Youtube by Navalny. “They put pressure on the church priest, Father Anatoly Rodionov, and demanded that the funeral take place as quickly as possible so that no one would arrive,” Volkov said, quoting the former editor-in-chief of the journals of the Moscow Patriarchate and expert. on the Church, Sergei Chapnin. “There is an order from the Patriarchate to reduce everything to a minimum,” complains Chapnin.

“Russia will be free”

As the coffin was removed from the structure, people in the crowd threw flowers at the hearse and shouted “Russia will be free!”, “No war!” and “murderers”, as reported by BBC. The coffin arrived at the Borisovskoye cemetery early in the afternoon. Outside the church – according to local journalistic sources – there were at least 2-3 thousand people present, including ambassadors and diplomats. Crowds waited outside and in the surrounding streets as only a few people other than family members were allowed into the church. Navalny's parents, Anatoly and Lyudmila Navalnaya, were photographed walking towards the entrance, the Guardian. At the end of the funeral, the dissident's mother was hugged by many people outside the church, shortly after the funeral ended. In a video shared on social networks and filmed by BBCwe see several people approach and hug her, saying: “Thank you for your son” and “forgive us”.

“You were not afraid and we are not afraid”

As the coffin was carried into the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God, those present shouted “Navalny, Navalny” and “You were not afraid and we are not afraid.” While dozens of law enforcement vehicles and a few riot police trucks patrolled the area. A journalist fromAfp he also said he saw police wearing helmets and carrying tear gas patrolling the area, including nearby metro stations. Present at the celebration were the French ambassador to Moscow Pierre Lévy, the Italian charge d'affaires Pietro Sferra Carini, who threw a red flower as Navalny's coffin passed by. Lynne Tracy, the United States Ambassador to Russia, and German Ambassador Lambsdorff also took part in the funeral. An EU delegation also attended the ceremony, explained European External Action Service spokesperson Peter Stano. “There are several indications of the Kremlin's action in terms of violation of human rights, just look at the repression implemented after the death” of the opponent, Stano recalled. But still no news, writes the BBCby Navalny's wife, Yulia Navalnaya.

The Kremlin “has nothing to say to the family”

The Kremlin made it known that it “had nothing to say to Navalny’s family on the day of his funeral,” said Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov. The latter also warned against any “unauthorized” demonstration during the dissident’s funeral. “Any unauthorized demonstration will constitute a violation of the law. Accordingly, those who participate in it will be held responsible in accordance with the current law,” Peskov was quoted as saying by the newspaper. Tax.

NGO: “Bring your lawyers’ data”

Human rights groups have advised people attending the funeral of Russian dissident Navalny to write down contact details for lawyers who could help them if he is arrested. International media reported this, stressing that he was advised to also carry his passport and water bottles.

Live coverage of the funeral

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