Lucia Annunziata leader of the Southern Democratic Party in the European elections, agreement on a step: “Announcement soon”

Journalist and TV presenter Lucia Annunziata is the “ram” of the Democratic Party of southern Italy in the upcoming European elections. The hypothesis, which has been circulating for months, is becoming more credible by the hour, to the point that the official announcement from the party led by Elly Schlein could arrive within a few days. Ansa writes this, citing “well-informed sources” about ongoing contacts. 73 years old, former president of Rai, director of the Italian edition of Huffington Post and today commentator for The imprint, Lucia Annunziata left Rai last season in controversy with the new “sensitive” management in the Meloni government. Originally from Sarno, in the province of Salerno, she would run as an independent in the South constituency in the European Parliament elections which will take place on June 9 and 10.

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