Beppe Grillo's posters defaced and torn, anger against the March 8 march in Rome: “He defended a rapist with a drawn sword” – Video

The posters with the face of Beppe Grillo announcing his show at the theater during the transfeminist procession organized by Not one less in Rome on March 8. “He defended a rapist with all his might, victimizing the woman his son had raped. We don't want you in our theaters,” they shouted at the microphone of the demonstration, in reference to the trial for sexual violence involving the son of the founder of M5, Ciro Grillo, and his friends Edoardo Capitta, Vittorio Lauria and Francesco Corsiglia , accused of rape by an Italian-Norwegian student. The facts date back to the night of July 16 to 17, 2019 and are said to have occurred in the Grillo family villa in Porto Cervo. At the time, Beppe Grillo defended his son, accused of rape, devaluing the story. “I'm fed up. If you have to arrest my son because he didn't do anything, then arrest me too because I'm going to jail,” he said in a video on his blog, adding that “if they had been guilty (of his son and 3 friends, ed), I would have taken them to jail, I would have kicked their ass. Because you realized that nothing is true, that there was no rape. A person who gets raped in the morning, goes kitesurfing in the afternoon and reports it eight days later… That seemed strange to you. Well, that’s strange.”

Cover picture: FRAME VIDEO ALANEWS/Beppe Grillo posters torn and defaced

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