Mondadori closes periodicals and returns to growth through books. Marina Berlusconi: “90% of our income comes from there”

The “profound transformation” of Mondadori of which the president of the group and the company is proud holding Fininvest Marina Berlusconi closed the magazine sector to focus almost exclusively on books and digital innovation. A choice which has so far proven to be profitable, since the group returns to growth and approves the consolidated accounts as of December 31, 2023, obtaining results “in significant growth compared to the previous year”, and which allows “estimate for 2024 a further improvement in results, even at the same scope. The consolidated turnover for 2023 amounts to 904.7 million euros, a slight increase (+0.2%) compared to 903 million euros in 2022. And it is the president who commented on the results, highlighting efforts to change the skin of the group. “Today we are a book company from which around 90% of our revenues and margins come,” explained Marina Berlusconi, “we are strong as from an economic and financial point of view and we have been able to gradually reduce our presence in a sector like that of periodicals, once central, but today grappling with an irreversible crisis. The president confirmed her objectives: “After all, over the years, we have never stopped investing: from the books of Rizzoli to the scholasticism of De Agostini, to the most recent operations in comics or promotion and distribution for third-party publishers in a logic of verticalization. …of our presence in books. Targeted operations were also carried out in the digital sector, a sector in which we maintain a strong interest.” And he then wanted to comment on the product which enabled positive results: “the book, which is perhaps the most effective means of communication. older, also proves to be the most resistant, capable of remaining eternally young in an era of continuous and very rapid change. But we must support it. Because a country where we read more is also a freer country and better.” According to figures published by the group's board of directors, revenues amount to 904.7 million. The objective, they assure, is to exceed one billion euros in the next three years.

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