Loredana Bertè is not ready to return, other dates have been canceled: “Checks are necessary to have a diagnosis and establish therapy”

Loredana Bertè is forced to cancel two other dates of her theater tour. After being hospitalized in Rome due to a sudden illness, the singer-songwriter returned to Milan and her entourage had already canceled some performances, announcing that the artist would have to undergo further examinations to identify the nature of his health problems. Sunday March 17, on social networks, announcement of the postponement to May of the concerts in Turin and Brescia, tickets for which will be valid for the new dates or refundable. But the message also reveals some additional details about the singer's health. “Unfortunately we have to communicate that due to the clinical tests planned by Loredana's medical staff for next week, we have decided to postpone the next concerts in Turin and Brescia, respectively to May 24 and 20,” it reads, “these latest tests will be used to make a diagnosis in order to prescribe a pharmacological therapy capable of resolving in a (hopefully definitive) manner the disorders which too often arise suddenly and unexpectedly, as has happened in recent days”. But from today there is also a return date: “The tour will resume regularly from the concert scheduled at the Rossetti Theater in Trieste on April 3.”

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