Tiziana Panella, the fear of her partner Vittorio Parsi and the discovery of the degenerative disease: “My daughter saved me”

Just before Christmas, she told herself to Corriere della Sera in an interview left in to wait for for what would happen in a few days. In fact, on December 27, comrade Vittorio Emanuele Parsi, professor and political scientist, while speaking on stage in Cortina, was struck by an illness that forced him to be hospitalized and undergo emergency surgery. He remained in a coma for several days, in very serious condition. Two months later, after having documented the rehabilitation and the first steps forward, he himself recounted his near-death experience and how the face of his partner guided him in the darkness. Tiziana Panella, journalist and presenter of Tagadà on La7, met the professor by inviting him as a guest on her show. “The war in Ukraine was a real explosion two years ago. He was my guest very often and we started talking,” he told everyone. Mail, “then slowly, the commuters of love: him in Milan, me in Rome.” She admitted that she was in love, happy: “I live a love in peace, without any torment. He has been my partner for a year and a half, after a long period of suffering and absence.” So this December 27 risked taking everything away. “We had to leave the next day, go somewhere warm for the holidays. He was in Cortina for the presentation of his book”, he remembers those days, “he called me because he was ill. Then on the morning of the 28th the news of the transport by air ambulance to Treviso for the operation. I ran and when I arrived from Rome, he was in the operating room.” This episode brought her closer to the first Parsi family: she was still there, in intensive care, with her ex-wife and her daughters. “Before, I had no relationship with them, but knowing him and loving him made us a united family. Each with his own pain, he explains today, I was able to see how much love there was around him. But I carry with me a devastating fear. »

Degenerative disease

The journalist says that every day, on WhatsApp, she wrote a long message to her partner, as if it were a diary. And that I breathed a sigh of relief “when he shook my hand and I realized he heard me. But I didn't really breathe until she came out of intensive care.” In the interview, however, in addition to talking about the family she was born and lived in, her passions, her beginnings and her career, she also reveals a detail she had never shared. It's a discovery she made immediately after giving birth to her daughter Lucia in 2003, from her previous marriage to a doctor, a neurosurgeon who had back surgery after an injury while dancing and to whom she was married for 15 years. “At first I was very busy with work, then I started thinking about motherhood and when Lucia was born, I discovered a vocation,” she says, “I was already 35: if I was 20, I would have joined a football team. It's certainly the most beautiful journey of your life. With Lucia, my life has lit up. Seriously.” What these words hide, he explains immediately afterwards: “When my daughter was born, I discovered a degenerative disease. They said to me, “Say hello.” I held his hand for three months in the hospital. Devastated. In the meantime, my health has improved. To this day, the progress of my illness is considered a miracle. My relationship with Lucia is particularly special.” So much so that it doesn't surprise him at all that his daughter is enrolling in medicine: “She wants to save lives. After all, what else could he do? I thinks it's really her job. She's been saving lives since birth.”

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