Femicide in Rome, he stabs his wife then leaves the house: his 5 year old daughter is also in the house

A 36-year-old man was arrested by Flying Squad police officers in Rome about a hundred meters from his home where, according to investigators' reconstructions, he killed his wife. The couple, of Chinese origin, lived in via Livilla, in the Quadraro district, southeast of the capital. The murder occurred around 11:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 16. At this time, reports of a violent argument in an apartment arrived at the station. The 36-year-old man allegedly grabbed a knife and stabbed his wife Li Xuemei, 37, in the abdomen. He then left the house. This is what investigators are currently working on, who listened to neighbors. In the house, the police also found the couple's 5-year-old daughter. The man was identified and arrested after a brief search in Via dei Consoli, just a hundred meters away.

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