Ireland, Italian acquitted of raping boy after 5 years in prison: “My house occupied by Nigerians”

Lorenzo Osmari is a 58-year-old goldsmith living in Colleferro and former federal karate referee. He lived in Ireland with his partner and their four children. On December 28, 2016, a friend of the boys reported him for sexual assault. He served two years and one month in prison in Ireland. Then, on May 31, the Limerik Central Criminal Court acquitted him “by a unanimous verdict.” But even today, he can no longer see his family. Due to a ban on approaching the apartment where her children and her ex-partner live, in Nenagh, capital of County Tipperary. “Once in prison, even if your innocence is later proven, you still remain “dirty” in the eyes of others. A stain that even a sentence of acquittal cannot erase,” he said today to Messenger.


The accusation against him “was completely invented”, he explains to Messaggero. “Although there is no medical certificate proving the injuries resulting from the alleged abuse and even though my DNA was not found on this boy's body, they sent me to court,” he says . According to the boy, Osmari had massaged his private parts. But the pot of cream brought to the police was different from that described in the complaint. “They arrested me on the basis of evidence constructed on paper and the words of a young man who is now an actor. Sensing that he was disturbed, I asked him not to come to our house anymore. This December 28, he still showed up and made advances towards me. I pushed him away and told him I would tell his uncle everything,” the goldsmith recalls.

“I'm going to rip your head off”

Osmari says he told the boy, “If you come near my son again, I'll rip your head off.” A sentence that the judge initially interpreted as a death threat: “Fearing of being discovered, he went to the police the same evening accusing me of sexual assault. My family believed him, they were plagiarized. I haven't seen my children for 5 years, even though I'm innocent.” It's now been five years since he saw his children. “I was sure everything would be closed, but the police issued an international arrest warrant and I was extradited to Ireland. From September 1, 2021, they took me to Dublin Prison, then they transferred me to Portlaoise Prison. From time to time time, they slit someone's throat or raped someone in the cell. After three days without food, I protested and the guards laughed at me: “Don't worry Italian, now the pasta is coming. And next from the plate, I found excrement,” he says.

Yoga in prison and apartment occupied by Nigerians

Osmari says he prayed and did yoga in prison. “I was released from prison on May 31, 2023, after the acquittal. I had no money or legal documents: I spent 7 days in Dublin begging for something to eat. The embassy refused to welcome me and did not provide me with a lawyer or a ticket to return to Italy. In Colleferro, I found my apartments occupied by Nigerians to whom a man pretending to be me had rented them. The paradox is that, being the owner of these properties, Caritas did not even want to give me a plate of beans,” he says. The lawyer Alexandro Maria Tirelli, director of the Higher School of Extradition, affirms that his client will seek compensation from Ireland for his unjust detention.

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