“Half an hour for twenty euros”: the whole story of young people and mothers who prostituted themselves for drugs in Turin

Two evenings which lasted a total of 22 hours. And 700 euros of crack consumed. In the investigation into mothers and students who prostituted themselves for drugs in Turin, there is also this story, which has as its protagonist a model forced to prostitute herself for sixteen hours. Via Urbino, in the condominium where the gang led by a transgender woman had built a prostitution network. The model had changed careers, becoming a bartender when crack cocaine knocked out all of his teeth. The first degree trial has already concluded with three convictions and two acquittals. However, the investigation documents appear on the night of February 4-5, 2022. When a total of 30 people attend a 10 p.m. party. In which “half an hour for twenty euros” is sold.


The investigation began in April 2021, when a psychology student went to the Settimo Torinese police. “I prostituted myself at a friend’s house, in exchange I received crack,” she says. It is from there that the investigation led by prosecutor Chiara Maina begins. The army places cameras to monitor the apartments. And they discover the comings and goings. The exploited women were drug addicts who were pressured into offering sexual services for prices ranging from 20 to 50 euros. But they only received crack in exchange. “I posted ads on a dating site and waited for clients in Via Urbino. It turns out that I was locked in this apartment for four days, I wasn't even allowed to wash between one appointment and the next. To leave, I had to escape in secret,” one of the young girls told investigators.


Transgender Monique, 53, was in charge. While there were at least a dozen women offering services in exchange for drugs. She also stayed smoking with them. “The girls going through withdrawal were willing to do anything to get a solution. Even accepting the equivalent of around ten euros.” Among them are very young girls and mothers. Who left their children with the babysitter in the evening to go into prostitution. Monique was sentenced to two years and eight months in prison and a fine of three thousand euros for exploitation of prostitution. Two drug traffickers were sentenced to terms of more than a year. Two accused of complicity were acquitted.

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