“Girls in miniskirts to attract votes”. Pinna speaks, the audio shock candidate: “It was just a joke” – Video

“I am running this election campaign in a very different way than usual. I have six very beautiful women who support me when I meet people.” This is the content of an audio broadcast by the newspaper Gallura today, comments made by a center-right candidate in the next regional elections in Sardinia, which are causing controversy. “If you show up alone, you are a talking hangdog – he admits -. On the contrary, with these six friends, very handsome… Two are dressed in leather pants and boots, two in miniskirts and two in leopard print, with pretty open shirts which make a pretty look”, explains the candidate who became viral. This voice now has a first and last name: Pietro Pinna, 56, a former retired soldier, presents himself at the DC for Gianfranco Rotondi, in the north of the island. Contacted by Unione Sarda, he explains: “It was just a joke for a friend.” And he confirms: “Yes, I sent these audios to a friend. But it was a joke.” “I am an ironic person who always joked with his friends, respecting everyone. As for women, many of them support me in this pre-voting phase. I will never allow myself to insult her figure,” he adds.

Truzzu: “Unacceptable remarks”

“This morning, I learned through the press of the existence of an embarrassing and unpleasant audio attributed to a candidate registered on a list of my coalition. Unacceptable words, spoken by those who submit to the judgment of voters to administer Sardinia. And above all unacceptable for the shameful use of the woman's body as electoral merchandise”, declares the presidential candidate of the center-right in Sardinia, Paolo Truzzu. “In this area, I consider myself above all suspicion, having “a splendid family made up of three women, a wife and two daughters, and having an exceptional woman as party leader, as well as having presented a team of quality candidates who support me in this electoral competition”, adds- he. “I resolutely distance myself from this indescribable behavior and I am sure that the Sardinians will know how to distinguish personal responsibilities from ridiculous exploitations, which are an insult to the intelligence of voters,” Truzzu concludes. ” This is not a joke. It's not a joke as the right says today trying to minimize it and it's not funny – on the contrary, it attacks the Sardinian senator of the 5 Star Movement, Sabrina Licheri – Six women used as bait in an electoral competition: it seems incredible and rather a joke is the product of a chauvinistic, retrograde and sexist subculture which should not be promoted but fought against on a daily basis.”

(Pinna on the cover, photo by Unione Sarda)

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