Abruzzo does not want to give water to Puglia. The Democratic Vice-President of the Regional Council, Antonio Blasioli, has presented a resolution asking the council to “firmly oppose any hypothesis of collection by a law passed to protect drinking water and hydroelectric water”. And it is about protecting “the aquifer of the Tirino springs”. The hypothesis of the transfer of water from Abruzzo to Puglia is explained today by the Bari edition of Republicis the basis of a research commissioned by Acquedotto Pugliese with the Polytechnic of Bari and the “D'Annunzio” University of Chieti-Pescara on the basis of an agreement signed in 2022.
The Puglia Aqueduct Project
According to the AQP project, “it could capture up to 4-5 thousand liters of water per second from the Basso Tirino spring, and then transfer it in very long pipelines to Puglia”. This represents – says the H20 Forum – “one and a half times the water captured by the ACA for the whole of Valpescara, almost three times that distributed to the taps after the leaks”. Between 2001 and 2003, the hypothesis of “selling” the water of Abruzzo to supply Puglia through the Binnie Black and Veatch company was blocked after a popular uprising. Today, the idea is back in fashion with the industrial project of the AQP. The Forum has asked the Region to update the Water Protection Plan “to definitively avoid the recurrence of these proposals”.