Gabriele Gravina investigated for self-laundering and embezzlement, conversation with prosecutors: “Intolerable exploitations”

Gabriele Gravina, president of the Football Federation, has been included on the list of suspects drawn up by the Rome prosecutor's office as part of the investigation into alleged wrongdoing. There are two types of crimes against it: self-laundering and embezzlement. Today, Gravina was interviewed at the prosecution by investigators. “Due to the intolerable exploitations and distorted reconstructions of the truth of the facts which have called him into question in recent days, although he is not the subject of an investigation, Gabriele Gravina asked this morning to be heard to clarify his position and the circumstances in which he was a victim”, assert his lawyers, Leo Mercurio and Fabio Viglione. The decision to appear before the magistrates, explain the lawyers, was taken “in order to protect his image”, but also “by virtue of the complete confidence he places in the magistrates who are following the case”.

The note from Gravina's two lawyers dates back to today, Wednesday March 6, late in the afternoon. After the interview with prosecutors, the name of the president of the FIGC was found on the register of suspects. The investigation by magistrates in the capital focuses on alleged irregularities in the award of the 2018 tender for the electronic channel of Lega Pro, of which Gravina was president at the time. The Isg Ginko company won the tender, in exchange – the prosecutor suspects – for a payment of at least 250 thousand euros. According to the prosecution, this operation was hidden behind a double deposit paid by a third party company for the purchase of a few old books, but without the purchase actually being finalized. Gravina's name recently found itself at the center of another legal case: the investigation by the Perugia public prosecutor's office into the alleged files of personalities and politicians. According to prosecutors, Antonio Laudati and Pasquale Striano – respectively deputy anti-mafia prosecutor and lieutenant of the Guardia di Finanza – would have “intentionally favored the damage” to the head of the FIGC “by hypothesizing illicit activities carried out by Gravina” .

Cover photo: ANSA/Claudio Giovannini | FIGC President Gabriele Gravina during a press conference in Coverciano (September 4, 2023)

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