Florence, a woman found dead at her home: her 17-year-old nephew confesses to the murder

Maria Teresa Chávez Flores was 65 years old. She lived with her husband, in Florence, and her nephew. The 17-year-old boy had arrived in Italy from Peru for study reasons and lived with his grandparents in the Careggi district, via Niccolò da Tolentino. The woman, who worked as a social and health worker, was found dead in the bed at home. The juvenile prosecutor's office ordered the boy's arrest for intentional homicide. The 17-year-old young man allegedly confessed to killing his grandmother during his interrogation yesterday afternoon – June 24 – at the police station.

The boy had lived in his grandparents' small apartment for four years. On the night of June 23-24, when the crime allegedly took place, the grandfather was out of town. When the police arrived at the scene of the murder, the young man initially accused an unknown person of the murder. He said he fought with the intruder who, after killing his grandmother, fled. A story that immediately seemed contradictory, so much so that the boy was summoned to the police station after a stop at the hospital, so that the injuries to the 17-year-old's face could be treated.

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