De Laurentiis ready to leave Maradona Stadium, turning point for Napoli: 'I'll make another new one'

There will be a new stadium in Naples, or at least that is the new ambition of the president of the Italian club Aurelio De Laurentiis who announced to Tgr Campania: “I will not redo the facilities at Fuorigrotta, but I will build a new stadium in Bagnoli. This is the latest twist from the owner of Naples, after there were rumors and indiscretions about a possible renovation regarding the renovation of the stadium in view of the 2032 European Championships. Just yesterday, March 6 , the architect Gino Zavanella spoke on Kiss Kiss radio, commissioned by De Laurentiis to carry out a project to recover the Fuorigrotta factory. The idea was to remove the athletics track, in order to devote the structure exclusively to football. Zavanella himself, around ten years ago, Il Mattino remembers, presented a similar project, which was rejected by the mayor at the time, Luigi De Magistris.

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