Davide Casaleggio denounces Conte's M5S: “If my father saw it, he would be angry”. Frost on the hypothesis of a new party with Dibba

Almost three years after his farewell to the 5 Star Movement, Davide Casaleggio has not made peace with his father's former creature, Gianroberto. On the contrary. The judgment of the owner of Casaleggio on what the Movement has become today could not be harsher. “If my father saw the M5S today, he would be completely pissed at everyone he met,” thunders Casaleggio jr. Who now clearly sees this entrepreneurial and political experience as a closed page. “Rousseau is a platform that no longer exists: we transformed it into a project called Camelot. We had created a model of participatory democracy: when I left it was also because the questions asked on the site were a little too targeted.” The entrepreneur lets off steam on the microphones of A day like a sheep, the Rai Radio 1 show hosted by Giorgio Lauro and Geppi Cucciari. And he does not send them to the current leader of the Movement, Giuseppe Conte: “Having a lot of people following you on Facebook is not necessarily a guarantee of success. His biggest mistake was thinking of a completely different organizational model without putting it in place first. It's also a problem for him to get elected without even a challenger. And to think that at one point in the Casaleggio jr. adventure. he risked ending up working there alongside Conte: but in the government. “In the Conte I government, I was offered to become Minister of Economic Development (role later entrusted to Luigi Di Maio, ed), but I immediately answered no,” the entrepreneur recalls.

The political vacuum and relations with Grillo, Raggi and Dibba

As for Beppe Grillo, the relationship doesn't seem to have deteriorated in the same way, but it's certainly not what it once was. If he is still interested in the M5S? “I don’t know, ask him, let’s say he has other worries now,” replies Davide Casaleggio. Also because today, he reports, “we often talk to Beppe, by message, we talk above all about our children”. But today the hosts ask: who is Casaleggio jr voting for? The answer is not very encouraging: “I did not vote in the last election. And I will do the same thing at the European Championships.” Perhaps the entrepreneur is then tempted to fill the void he sees by launching a new political creature, perhaps with Virginia Raggi and Alessandro Di Battista resurrected , as it was written? “No, that's not true, things are written without inquiring, by questioning the people directly concerned…”, reacts the businessman coldly. “I know and respect Virginia and Alessandro but I have already created a project with them, which was then submitted to the government.

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