Carlo Calenda and the Pd-M5s agreement in Basilicata: “In the end, the center-left will appoint Conte as prime minister”

“I think Giuseppe Conte has been trying to lead the so-called progressive camp for a long time. We had proof of this on Wednesday.” Carlo Calenda attacks the leader of the 5 Star Movement after the agreement between the Democratic Party and Grillini on the candidate for governor of Basilicata. And he announces that he plans to support the center-right candidate Vito Bardi: “I will check what is the right thing to do for Action with Marcello Pittella, who was governor of Basilicata, a region in which we obtained 12 percent. He too was surprised by the methods used and the Lucanian Democratic Party is completely divided. This is an unlikely candidacy from Domenico Lacerenza, from a person who has never been involved in politics or administration and who immediately declared that winning was not important to him. This seems to me to be a painting for struggling amateurs.”

The break

“I had spoken to Elly Schlein in the morning to understand who was a candidate they could support, she told me she didn't have any names and obviously she would have shared that first. And then they had us find not only a name, but also an already established coalition that was implementing Conte's veto of action. We take note of this,” specifies the manager in an interview with Corriere della Sera. Who continues to attack Conte: “We have never seen in history that a party like the Democratic Party accepts the veto of someone who is half as good as the Democratic Party, cannot choose between Biden and Trump, wants Ukraine to surrender. The Democratic Party acts as if nothing is happening, thinking it can tame the populists, but it is the populists who tame them. » And he reveals that “the leaders of Action wrote to me that the M5S has given a mandate to veto all coalitions with the Democratic Party that include Action. Meanwhile, Elly Schlein remains silent.”

Chef 2 and the candidate at Palazzo Chigi

According to Calenda “it all started with Tale 2 and with the story of the “great reference point of the progressives”. The one who issued the security decrees and whom the Democratic Party called “Salvini’s puppet”. From then on, the Five Star Movement is reborn and today it is up to the Democratic Party to drive them out…” Then the prediction: “In the next political elections, the center-left will run for Conte's presidency, because it is for him the only condition for agreeing to form an alliance. Those in the Democratic Party will end up like this. And all this, I am sorry to say, is happening in the silence of the reformists in the Democratic Party. In the end, everything as they made Conte 2 go well, they will make Conte's leader go well.” Finally, last proposal: “It is now up to the Democratic Party to make itself heard. Remove a candidate doomed to defeat and open a serious and substantial debate, rejecting Conte's vetoes. Good will come out of it for them too.”

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