Cardinal Becciu's brother and Bishop Ozieri investigated: investigation into 8 per thousand funds used for private purposes

Cardinal Angelo Becciu's brother Antonino, Ozieri Bishop Corrado Melis and seven others are under investigation by the Sassari Public Prosecutor's Office, which closed the investigation for money laundering and embezzlement. funds. Antonino Becciu is involved in the investigation as director of the social cooperative Spes. The director of Caritas, Don Mario Curzu, was also investigated. The Sassari investigators' accusation is that the suspects allegedly channeled funds of 8 per thousand to the current accounts of the Spes cooperative, rather than to the diocese. This would be a total sum of more than 2 million euros, which would have arrived at the disposal of the cooperative led by Antonino Becciu between January 2013 and February 2023. As Nuova Sardegna reports, the prosecution's hypothesis is that it was Antonino Becciu who de facto governs the diocese of Ozieri. The cardinal's brother opened an account in the name of Caritas from which he would withdraw funds for his cooperative. And then he allegedly falsified the delivery notes for 32 thousand kilos of bread for a total of more than 100 thousand euros.

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