Calenda and the campaign for the European elections in “BlaBlaCarl”: “I will install the machine, but you will offer me the coffee”

The bus is now a classic, preferably electric, hybrid or similar. Then there are those who left by bike and those by train, those by car and those by dear old plane, so as not to waste a minute. Politicians have always traveled around Italy during election campaigns and seem to have exhausted all available means of transportation. Carlo Calenda is now considering refreshing the range of travel solutions. The leader of Action, fresh from his personal candidacy for the European elections on June 8 and 9 (like almost all the other leaders of the main parties, even if the majority of them will not go to the European Parliament) , revealed the project today, May 1. “Do you know those trips you take together where you share the car, the destination and many thoughts? Well, the electoral campaign is a bit like that and I'll say it: are we on a little journey together?” If the reference model is not clear, perhaps for those who have never known it through age or laziness, the graphs will clarify everything: BlaBlaCar, the voluntary low-cost car travel sharing system launched almost 20 years ago in France and which has made a fortune among students and young workers in half of Europe, including Italy At least until the pandemic, which inevitably struck the heart of the “health” sustainability of this model. Calenda is preparing to tour the country (he will be a candidate for Action in. all constituencies) and we had to ask ourselves why not also take advantage of the travel time from one city to another to speak to potential voters Or to listen to the requests, the criticisms, the proposals. thus was born the idea of ​​the unique “BlaBlaCarl”. Who will direct? “I will bring the car, you will make me want to discuss”, explains Matteo Renzi’s former minister. First stage: Rome-Ancona, Friday May 3. Departure at 1 p.m. Estimated travel time: four hours. Net breaks at Autogrill. “But the coffee is for you,” Calenda holds out her hands. Final destination: Strasbourg (maybe).

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