The presenter of Rai, Serena Bortone, will be the guest of Verissimo

Sunday May 5, for the first time since very true, television journalist Serena Bortone will be the guest. The program itself announced this on social networks. Since 2023, Bortone has been at the head of Which will be…. and made headlines for revealing the cancellation of Antonio Scurati's monologue from his program. “As you will have read in the press release, in tonight's episode What will be a monologue by Antonio Scurati was scheduled for April 25. I learned last night, with dismay and by pure chance, that Scurati's contract had been canceled. I couldn't get any plausible explanations. But I owe above all to Scurati, with whom I have obviously just spoken on the telephone, and to you, viewers, for explaining to me why they will not see the writer on the air of my show Raitre this evening. The problem is that I couldn't get this explanation either,” the journalist wrote on social networks. After the controversy, the presenter read the deleted monologue live. The subject will probably also be discussed in the competing TV show, by Silvia Toffanin.

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