Zeman still hospitalized, risks another operation

A new operation is expected for Zeman, last February 19 the bohemian technician underwent a carotid operation by the medical team of Dr. Stefano Guarracini in collaboration with Michele Di Mauro, specialist in cardiac surgery and cardiology at Pierangeli in Pescara.

The bohemian reluctantly resigned from the Pescara bench, to recover as best as possible from the operation, the convalescence time of which is between four and six months. Bucaro took his place, with the team fully in the play-off zone.

Unfortunately, in the last few hours one of the four inserted stents was rejected and he is currently hospitalized in the clinic where he was operated on.

After announcing his resignation from Pescara, Zeman said: “I'm sorry to leave at this time, but personal vicissitudes have taken over and are forcing me to make this choice. I returned to Pescara with great enthusiasm, driven by a football debt that I wanted to repay to a place that made me experience important emotions. Last year we came close and I sincerely hoped this year would end differently. I leave the boys to competent people capable of continuing their sporting journey.”

From what we learn, the former Pescara coach needs small adjustments to a few stitches and a check on the rejection of the stents implanted in the Bohemian.

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