Work, the diplomas most in demand in the years to come. Engineering always on top

The match still exists between getting a degree and finding a good job? According to Unioncamere's Excelsior information system in the recent report “Forecasts of employment and professional needs in Italy in the medium term“, the answer seems to be affirmative, as long as it concerns diplomas relating to economic and statistical disciplines, to the medical and health sector but also to that education and training. In addition, of course, to STEM Subjects (technical-scientific), engineering at the top.

According to this study, between 2024 and 2028, nearly 4 out of 10 jobs will be reserved for staff with higher level qualificationstherefore not only universities but also the ITS Academy and equivalent “academies”.

A fact that becomes even more significant compared to the recent past: looking at ISTAT data, it appears that in 2022, workers with at least one diploma represented only 24% of those employed.

The only ones who could do better are technical and professional graduates, who should be allocated between 1.4 and 1.7 million jobs, which corresponds to 46% of the total supply. While high school graduates, for the moment, seem to be in difficulty because on average, only 4% of jobs (120 to 145,000 units) would be dedicated to those who stop after this diploma.

Between STEM Paths – which should offer on average between 72 thousand and 82 thousand jobs per year – those which stand out the most in terms of expected needs are the addresses engineering, which oscillates between 36 and 41 thousand units per year. Civil engineering is excluded from this calculation, which is analyzed separately and for which the absorption of approximately 13 to 15 thousand people per year is expected. While the strictly scientific domain to which they belong mathematics, physics and computer science are expected to represent around 12-14,000 new work units per year.

But the “news” mainly comes from non-STEM paths. It is precisely among these, in fact, that the highest figures are recorded in prospective terms: those who obtain the record are the economic and statistical disciplines, with a need of between 44,000 and 50,000 people per year. To the great surprise, the silver medal went toeducation and training, including physical education, which can count on a slightly lower forecast (42-45 thousand units). Then there is the last step of the podium medical and health address, which occupies third place with its 38 thousand units per year. The potential yield of the legal and political-social field is not bad either (27 to 28,000 annual hires expected).

At the bottom of the ranking, however, are: on the STEM side, biological and technological sciences and chemical-pharmaceutical sector; On the “other addresses” side, the field of psychology, the agri-food-zootechnical sector and the linguistic sector. In all these cases, over the period 2024-2028, less than 10 thousand units of work will be sought per year.

There is also the variable to consideremployer»: graduates and the like, in fact, will be particularly valuable for public administration, where the need for profiles with a higher level diploma is expected to skyrocket to reach 79% of the total, a figure much higher than that expected for the private sector, which remains stuck at 27%.

In the private sector, however, the demand for graduates seems strongerprovided that they are in technical-scientific subjects.

The attraction of personalities from high school, however, remains residual: 4% for public administration, 5% for the private sector.

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