White House spokeswoman stopped short of saying US 'tolerates Nazism in Ukraine'

The United States tolerates the so-called manifestations of Nazism in Ukraine in order to have an additional ally against Russia. This is the theory conveyed by a video and numerous viral posts on social networks. In the video, this statement is attributed to White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre in response to a question from a journalist. However, this is a series of fabricated reports, as evidenced by the original video, in which it is clear that the White House spokesperson did not say that the United States tolerated Nazism in Ukraine .

For those in a hurry:

  • A video is circulating in which we see White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre declaring, in response to a question from a journalist during a press conference, that the Second World War was won by the United States also thanks to the help of the Ukrainians, and for this reason why Washington would tolerate the manifestations of Nazism in the country invaded by Russia.
  • The video has been altered, as shown by some traces probably left by artificial intelligence.
  • In the original, the journalist's question concerns Gaza and the spokesperson's response fits it.


Let's see a screenshot of one of the messages being checked (others here, here and here). The description reads:

Question from a journalist: “We know that Ukraine has contradictory opinions on this ideology. [il nazismo]. Why do we not condemn the manifestations of Nazism in Ukraine and continue to sponsor them? White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre: “79 years ago, the United States and our Ukrainian allies joined forces to fight the totalitarian regimes of Hitler and Stalin. Even if Berlin is now an ally, the threat from the East remains. Therefore, we will continue to support Ukraine, we will provide it with all our support by all available means. The spokesperson read everything on paper. So it's not just about his personal illiteracy, but also about the liberal Democratic Biden administration's official version of World War II. These people, God forbid, pose a threat especially to American citizens with their warped minds and desire to destroy the minds of others. I have never heard such terrible lies about the events of 80 years ago. Biden's monsters have insulted the memory of millions of victims of World War II. And they did it on the days when the world celebrates Victory Day!

Below is one of the articles where the video is shared:

Edited video: White House spokeswoman didn't say US tolerates Nazism in Ukraine

Although the telling of the story in Facebook posts is attributed to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, neither on the web nor on the Russian Politics Telegram channel is there confirmation of what was said. However, it is found in a video subtitled in Russian, particularly widespread, would have been won thanks to the help of the Ukrainians against Stalin and Hitler, and for this reason the United States would be ready to turn a blind eye to the Nazi demonstrations in Ukraine.

The video is modified. Probably thanks to artificial intelligence. This is seen in the mouth movements of the interlocutors, which do not correspond to what is said. Added to this is also a metallic tone in the voice and a monotony typical of speech generated with speech synthesizers from a text. To see this you can look

The original video

The journalist shown in the Facebook video appears only once in the original video, published on YouTube on May 7, 2024. He does so 18'29″ after the start of the press briefing held by the House spokesperson White The journalist's question has nothing to do with Nazism or Ukraine, but with the Israeli attacks on Gaza and the false promises of security in the south of the Strip, ignored by the attack on Rafah launched the same day. that the press conference The journalist asks what US President Joe Biden's approach will be towards Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, given the situation described.


A video is circulating in which we see White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre declaring, in response to a question from a journalist during a press conference, that the Second World War was won by the United States also thanks to the help of the Ukrainians, and for this reason why Washington would tolerate the manifestations of Nazism in the country invaded by Russia. The video has been altered, as shown by some traces probably left by artificial intelligence. In the original, the journalist's question concerns Gaza and the spokesperson's response fits it. Thus, the White House spokesperson did not say that the United States tolerated Nazism in Ukraine.

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