“Who chooses between Biden and Trump?”, Conte under pressure from Otto e mezzo does not give up: “What would I do if I were in government”

Those who expected a clear answer from Giuseppe Conte on who he would choose between Joe Biden and Donald Trump were disappointed, even after the participation of the M5 leader in Otto e mezzo on La7 today March 7. “We will defend the national interest, with one or the other,” assures Conte, imagining what he will do when “we enter government with the Democratic Party.” The insistent questions in the studio are not enough, from Repubblica columnist Massimo Giannini, nor those from Monica Guerzoni from Corriere della Sera nor those from the presenter Lilli Gruber herself: Conte does not give in a millimeter and to answer the question , once again, it requires a great turn of phrase. Just as he had already done as a guest of Fabio Fazio in Che tempo che fa, when he declared that once in government “he would seek dialogue” with anyone. “There is a fan base between Trump and Biden – said the former prime minister to Otto e mezzo – For domestic policy, Biden is from the progressive field, our point of reference. Regarding foreign policy, we are not satisfied with the military strategy carried out in Ukraine and we believe that he was also wrong in Gaza because the 30,000 deaths are also due to the political cover given to Netanyahu and his government.

Speaking of Trump, who renamed him “Giuseppi” when he was at Palazzo Chigi, Conte insists: “On Trump, I have already said and declared that Capitol Hill is an absolutely negative page in the history of the United States- United. In any case, we are preparing to protect the national interest. » In the studio, we insist that Conte choose one or the other, but he returns to the charge by criticizing Giorgia Meloni's last visit to the White House: “The images are worth more than anything. There is a kiss and a pat on the head. Do you think Biden would have treated Merkel like this? I wouldn't go to Washington for instructions.” Gruber makes one last attempt, recalls Trump's closeness to Putin and then asks Conte what he thinks: “I don't agree with all the policies of Trump. But I still believe and hope that whoever he is, he will engage in peace negotiations.” It ends on points, Conte wins thanks to the exhaustion of the other studio guests.

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