Weather alert in Liguria, landslides and roads blocked due to rain. Floods in Piedmont and Lombardy worry Lambro – Video

The bad weather continues unabated in Italy, with Liguria, Piedmont and Lombardy being among the most affected regions today, victims of inconveniences since last night. At least a hundred people are isolated in Molini di Triora, in the hinterland of Imperia, due to a landslide which caused the collapse of part of the access road to the town . Accident caused by heavy rains which hit western Liguria, during the orange weather alert, still in progress. The Liguria Region has informed that at present the only way to reach the area is on foot. Also in the municipality of Rezzo, 70 other people were isolated due to a landslide on the road to Lavinia Alta, and here too access is only possible on foot. In Coronata, a district of Genoa, 10 elderly people with RSA were moved and hospitalized as a precautionary measure. In Sanremo, a landslide isolated around twenty houses along the Cascine Lunaire road, in the upper part of the Armea valley, not far from the prison. In the Savona region, the Aurelia remains closed again in Capo Noli due to a landslide, while it has been reopened in an alternative one-way direction near Mulinetti (Genoa), where in the morning a large tree is fell on the road. Civil Protection recommends the greatest caution, even in areas on yellow alert.

The North Center threatened, power outages and floods in Piedmont: the weather

According to weather forecasts, the Center and the North will continue to be affected by bad weather today. Rain is expected, sometimes heavy, even stormy. Even in Campania, already the victim of landslides and mudslides yesterday, strong thunderstorms are expected in the evening. The situation in Piedmont is dramatic, where there have been power and telephone outages and roads closed due to the risk of avalanches. Across the region, a yellow alert is in effect due to the risk of landslides and flooding. In Turin and the province, some power lines are interrupted in the Lanzo, Orco and Soana valleys; blackout also in Perosa Argentina (in the Chisone valley), in Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and in the provinces of Vercelli and Cuneo. In the Lanzo valleys, landline telephony is blocked. Citizens are advised to consult the information on for any possible movements on the road.

The situation in Lombardy: 150 interventions and worrying river levels

The situation in Lombardy is worrying, with the rise in the levels of Lambro and Seveso. In the region, particularly in the northern towns, temperatures have dropped by several degrees and 150 firefighters have already intervened. Some collapses are subject to continuous monitoring and the danger of avalanches remains high throughout the Lombard Alps. Ski mountaineering, snowshoeing and excursions in fresh snow are absolutely not recommended. In Milan it has continued to rain for days with Lambro levels of almost two meters in the city. Communities near the river, as usual, were evacuated. Usually the Seveso and Lambro rivers overflow by more than 3 meters. Currently, the Lambro has reached 9 meters. The situation is under continuous monitoring by civil protection.

Cover photo: Genoa / Giovanni Toti – Facebook

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