Vote in Abruzzo, participation rate at 12:00 p.m. at 15.9%. Voting until 11 p.m.

The turnout at 12:00 p.m. in the Abruzzo regional elections was 15.9%, where polling stations will be open until 11:00 p.m. The data published by the Ministry of the Interior on a total of 1,634 sections are approximately two points higher than those of 2019, when 13.43% of voters in Abruzzo went to the polls at noon. At the end of the voting operations, the counting will take place. Voting takes place in 305 municipalities: the total number of voters is 1,208,276 including 592,041 men and 616,235 women out of a recorded population of 1,275,950. There are 1,634 polling stations, 13 of which are hospitals. The sections are located in Chieti 460, L'Aquila 405, Pescara 396 and Teramo 373. In the 2019 regional elections there were 53% voters, a clear drop compared to previous consultations, those of 2014, where 61 had gone to vote. , 56% of rights holders. In the last elections of 2022, 63.99% of Abruzzo went to the polls. In 2019, Marsilio obtained 48.03% of the vote, his coalition 49.20%. The center-left candidate, Giovanni Legnini, reached 31.29%; his coalition, with 7 lists, reached 30.64%. On this occasion, Sara Marcozzi for M5 also presented herself and obtained 20.20%, and Stefano Flajani who obtained 0.48%.

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