Vittoriale, the 49 works of the temporary exhibition stolen: 1 million euros in theft

At the Vittoriale degli Italiani in Gardone Riviera, in the Brescia region, the 49 works of the temporary exhibition inaugurated last December 30 have disappeared and were due to end tomorrow, Friday March 8. The sculptures are by the Fontana Liri artist Umberto Mastroianni, for a total of around thirty jewels and around twenty sculptures made between the 1950s and 1990s with the “lost wax” or “lost wax” casting technique. 'gold “. The value of the missing works, probably stolen on Wednesday evening, is around 1 million euros. Police from the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit are investigating a possible theft. From the first investigations, it seems that those responsible for the Vittoriale noticed the disappearance of the works when they opened the exhibition rooms of the Annunzio Segreto Museum, finding them completely empty.

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