UlisseFest 2024: the program for the Lonely Planet evening. “Explore the unknown”

100 guests, 50 meetings, 4 days (and 3 previews) dedicated to telling the history of the world. These are the numbers of the new edition of UlyssesFestthe festival dedicated to travel which, from July 4 to 7will liven up the theaters and squares Ancona. Conceived and organized by the publishing house EDT, partner of Lonely Planet for Italy, Ulissefest is created in collaboration with the Municipality of Ancona, Ancona Servizi and the Omero Museum and the media partners Radio Capital, DOVE, TTG Italian Exhibition Group and the Igers Italy association. .

Now in its seventh edition, it confirms itself as an opportunity to meet numerous Italian and international guests – writers, artists, content creators, photographers and journalists – who share a great passion for travel. And then workshops and laboratories offered by Lonely Planet Academy, to discover how legendary guides are born and the different languages ​​used to communicate with their readers: from field research to the transformation of content for paper editions, the web and social networks; and then, how to write a podcast and a journalistic report or even how video production takes place.

This year's theme is Explore the unknownwhat happens, more or less consciously, when we go on a trip: a leitmotif that will resonate among the most vital places of the Marche capital, from the new Arena sul Mare to the Porto Antico via the Mole Vanvitelliana, from theaters to squares, from loggias to streets.

READ ALSO: UlisseFest 2024, the event dedicated to travel in Ancona. To explore the infinite souls of the world

UlisseFest previews

The official opening of the festival, on July 4, is anticipated this time by three previews: Alessandro D'Aveniathe teacher and writer from Palermo, addressed the subject on May 31 Ulysses, the journey and our daily odyssey, a reflection on the figure of the Homeric hero and on the importance that the journey has in the realization of our personality. Then, the July 2ndit will be the turn of Peppe Servillo who, in memory of the great journalist and writer Tiziano Terzani, whose death this year marks two decades, will retrace his figure through a musical reading inspired by the emblematic book A fortune teller told me.

Actor and singer Peppe Servillo (PH. UlisseFest)

Finally, the July 3 it will be the turn of the work of Banff Mountain Film Festival Special Editionwhich is part of the “Lazzabaretto Cinema” program, with three screenings that will introduce the United States, Norway and Central Asia.

UlisseFest, dialogues on the world

The official inauguration of the new edition of UlyssesFeston July 4, will take place to the rhythm of the jazz concert The sound of Switzerland performed by the quintet led by Andrea Pagani with the voice of Giulio Todrani and offered to the city by Suisse Tourisme. Then, the floor passes to the creators of the event. To present the theme chosen for the 2024 edition, Explore the unknownwill be Gianluca Gottowriter, digital nomad, world traveler and Asia expert, who will be speaking with Angelo Pittrodirector of Lonely Planet.

The debate continues with two events that have become UlisseFest classics. THE World Fair, a meeting in which some international destinations explain why right now is the right time to visit them. During I'm traveling to ItalyInstead, Lonely Planet Vice President Tom Hall will illustrate the endless nuances of the beauty, history, taste and culture of the city of Genoa, Ancona, Basilicata and Tuscany.

UlisseFest, meetings between travelers of today and yesterday

Throughout the days, journalists, writers and philosophers will take turns to talk about the world of today and that of the future, in the light of the many changes. Federico Rampiniwill offer some thoughts on the hope for the future that comes from Africa, the inexhaustible push of the United States and the importance of dialogue with the Arab world. The journalist and writer Marzio G.Mian will talk about the 6,000 kilometer journey along the Volga, into the heart of deep Russia, made last year – for which he was nominated for the Pulitzer – made in collaboration with the documentary photographer Alessandro Cosmelli.

We travel to Southeast Asia and India with the words of Simone Pierannipodcast author Chora Media Other Orients And Get out of hereand in Japan with Alex Kerr, writer and expert on the Land of the Rising Sun, discovering its secret beauty. We return to the Old Continent with Ida Montrasio And Anna Brännströmauthors of the book Nordic thoughtto investigate the Scandinavian alchemy that combines well-being, technology and naturalistic scenarios.

The philosopher Umberto Galimberti (PH. UlisseFest)

Philosophers and professors will offer moments of reflection. Inspired by the nomadism of the traveler, Umberto Galimberti will explain how, in the age of technology, the only viable ethics is that of aimlessness and purpose: only in this way is it possible to realize the condition that unites all humanity. Paolo Pecereprofessor of history of philosophy and passionate about recognition on planet Earth, will however lead us to reflect on the search for a better and more sustainable dimension to inhabit the only world we have.

There will also be reflections on the great journeys of the past: there Alberto Toso Feijournalist and writer, who will pay tribute to Marco Polo, whose death this year marks his seven hundredth birthday, and to the great explorers who, from Venice, set out to discover the world and new commercial prospects.

UlisseFest, the extreme journey

Nature and extreme environments of Earth are often popular destinations for many athletes determined to test themselves and push their limits. Like, how Carla PerrottiTHE lady of the desertsfirst woman to have crossed the Nigerian Ténéré alone with the Tuareg, or even Omar Di Felicethe ultracyclist who explores the world by pedaling, from Mongolia to the Australian outback to the two poles, to also raise awareness of the issues of the climate crisis, and the journey to the “end of the world” in Francesco Franck LottaRadioDeejay radio host and traveler.

However, significantly quieter and within everyone's reach, the paths which are becoming more and more successful as a style of travel, between movement and slow-paced discovery. They will be at the center of the meeting Discover, meet, walkwith Monica Nanetti, journalist, author, walker, cyclist, Stefano Lorenzi, director of Slow Apennines and promoter of Street of the GodsMarco Giovannelli, journalist and walker, director of the Glocal Festival.

The world on stage, between concerts and shows

Music and entertainment cannot be missing at a party. Piero Del Soldaauthor, philosopher and presenter of Rai Radio3, will bring the show on stage Apology for adventure accompanied by live music from INTIORS (Valerio Corzani and Erica Scherl). A comical and witty look at the journey will be Covatta jobs, actor, writer and activist, through his stays in Africa; Of Paola Catellascreenwriter and co-author of the book The moved traveler; and of Dario Vergassola with stories dedicated to those who like to explore but also to those who like to travel sitting in an armchair.

Musician Vasco Brondi (PH. UlisseFest)

In the evening we “dance on the world” with lively concerts and DJ sets in the brand new Arena sul Mare (reservations at www.ticketone.it). Vasco Brondiwith his new album A sign of lifemanifest humanity and empathy; Super Taranta, the music of Salento which makes its local identity a global invitation to meet and share; celebration Fever in the 90swith the best of 90s music.

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UlisseFest evenings end on July 6 Malika Ayane who will give one of his rare summer concerts in Ancona, and Skinshistoric voice of Skunk Anansie, who in the role of DJ will host the Arena sul Mare directly from the console.

Info: UlisseFest.it

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