Towards digital health for all

Italians' health is becoming increasingly digital: the new electronic health record (EHR) throughout the national territory. The idea was already contained in Order of the Ministry of Health from September 7, 2023but the debate around this new tool and its implications has been relaunched in connection with the expires June 30of the possibility of “oppose the precedent”Let's see together what it is about and what implications it has for the health of Italian citizens.

The ESF is a tool that allows every citizen to check your health documentationkeeping track over time e share it in real time with the doctors he turns to. All documents relating to visits and tests carried out, discharge letters, emergency visits and vaccinations carried out over the years are stored in the electronic health record. In addition, the ESF offers a series of services including the possibility of book tours and of transmit medical prescriptions to patients directly on the PC or smartphone.

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Health Record 2.0: What's New?

In some regions the health record It has been working for several years now.while others are still far behind. Data for 2024 collected by mMinistry of Health in collaboration with the Digital Transformation Department, they photograph a extremely unequal situation. Regions that offer a a greater quantity of services These are Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany, followed by Lazio and Piedmont. In these regions, the percentage of citizens using the ESF is significantly higher than national average of 18%with peaks reaching 40% in Emilia-Romagna and even 64% in the province of Trento. On the contrary, regions such as Abruzzo, Marche and Calabria have a usage percentage of 1-2%.

electronic health record

Use of the ESF in Italian regions [Dati: Ministero della Salute e Dipartimento per la Trasformazione Digitale]

The entry into force of health book 2.0 provides, not only that expansion of services available through the ESF, but also that they are also available in all regions. A uniform activation across the entire national territory is expected. by 2026. It is therefore a question of creating a single, exclusive access point for all citizens to NHS servicesregardless of the region to which they belong. This also helps to ensure equality of basic health care for all while respecting the decision-making autonomy of each Region in matters of health, also in light of the current differentiated autonomy.

A useful tool for doctors and patients

The electronic health record is certainly a tool that simplifies management aspects related to the individual's health. In fact, it allows you to always have all your health documents at hand. It also guarantees the possibility of booking visits and tests, paying for tickets and choosing your general practitioner from the comfort of your home. More importantly, data shows that its use has real health benefits.

Thanks to the electronic health record, with the patient's prior consentI Doctors have the ability to access your entire medical history in real time. This leads to better health management, wherever in Italy you need medical care. A 2016 study by the Department of Hygiene and Public Health of the Catholic University showed an association between the use of the ESF and an improvement in the quality of care. Greater adherence to disease-specific guidelines and fewer medication errors and adverse drug reactions are also demonstrated.

Data Privacy and Security

Until June 30, it was possible to express one's wish to oppose the precedenti.e. refuse consent to download health data before May 19, 2020. There percentage citizens who opposed the downloading of this data is extremely small: only that 0.5%. It would therefore seem that the electronic health record is a tool appreciated by Italians and in which they place a certain amount of trust.

As regards the security of the data entered into the file, measures and limitations have already been adopted to avoid privacy violations. Insurance companies, scientific associations, employers or other administrative bodies cannot access the electronic health record. All data used by ministries to plan health spending and verify the quality of care are shared anonymously. The only ones who can access at the ESF they are the patient and, subject to your consent, I health professionals to whom it is addressed.

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